So yesterday saw me heading for my first ultrasound with this baby....about time i say!!! Only 22 weeks gone now and it is so busy around here with no doctors that i have only just been able to get in :(. I have put a profile shot here of the baby, not a very good one, but proud of it anyway......I think he/she knows i am telling all about it as while i am typing this i am getting a good boxing!! active little begger!!
I hope that some of you can make it out, we had a bit of trouble doing things as the baby had its knees tucked to its stomach and its hands cupped over its face, like a little boxer!!
Seth and Lexi are so excited, they loved to see the photo, not that it made much sense to them but they knew that they were looking at the baby that is in mums belly!!
I am really waiting for the movement to get physical enough that they can feel baby kicking and moving around as they would really get a grasp of things.
So lets just hope that the whole doctor thing works out.... I know i am praying!! It is really frightening really. AND i found out the other day that because there is no doctor in Cleve which is where we come back to be after having the baby for a few days (in the hospital), we arent allowed to come back!!! Now i am cross. I cant believe it!! There is no way that all of the family will stay in whyalla for four or more days while we are in hospital after the birth. It is always nice coming home to a hospital that has friendly faces, and now we cant do it. And what makes it worse is every two years we have a baby competition to raise money for the maternity rooms in the hospital, and we have just had one and made HUGE money and now no one can use the rooms!!!!!! AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!