Just a quick welcome to our blog. I cant promise that it will be anything exciting, but we will keep you updated with what is happening in our world.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Well i must admit that i was finding this blogging thing easy and look at this, what a disgrace i havent added anything since the day i set it up that is not on. So what has happened since then you ask?? Not too much really. The boys have finished seeding.....finally. OMG i hate that time of year. Daniel isnt home much, the kids dont see him a lot and they get to the point that they DRIVE ME CRAZY. So you can garuntee that the night daniel came home early because they were done i headed out to a friends for some scrapping!! WOW i could sit and relax and have ME time....not that i got a lot of scrapping done, but i did get out of the house...and without the kids.

Not a lot other than that has happened. Playing our sport. Loving my netball. Just passing by the days...doing what??well sometimes i even have to ask myself the same question. The days are going but i have no idea what i am doing through them. I am loosing more weight, that is always a bonus, and have booked a couple day trip away with the girls. We are heading to adelaide for a day of shopping and then to watch the Australia vs New Zealand netball. It will be great, i am so excited. So we will go for a couple of days and just have lots of fun.

The kids are great, behaving well for a change. They are not usually too bad. I have been ready a book that i never thought i would called, Ask SUPERNANNY, you know with jo frost. And i must admit it has changed the way i do some things and see some things and i feel like such a better person for it, alsmost a better mother. I would recommend anyone check it out if you have young kids or are yet to have kids. I wish i had of read it before i had kids but, i am adjusting as is the rest of the family.

For now i think that is about it, my home based business is doing well, would love for it to do even better though, i guess i will get there. So till next time a bye from us all here.


W. said...

Where are you??

Hope all is well.

Maria Van-Oss said...

Carlie, hope you are ok and hope to catch up on Blumar's soon

Belinda Joynes Artist said...

Don't worry, you will get into the habit of blogging. At first it can feel like a chore, however eventually you will find the direction you want your blog to take.

I look forward to following that journey.

Tianne said...

Great to hear from you Carlie and even better that things are smooth sailing for you.

Tianne said...

How are you going Carlie? Miss you at Blumars. Hope the prenancy is going well.

I've tagged you, check out my blog