Ok so after all of the comotion, we finally have a baby girl!!! Lily May was born on the 19th of February at 12.09pm. She weighed 7lb 13oz and was 49cms long. I was transported from cleve to whyalla via ambulance (precaution) and was switched half way to whyalla into a whayalla ambulance. After switching contractions began hotting up and we were lucky to make it to the hospital. Only managed two contractions int he hospital and she was here. Very quick arival, she was a bit bruised due to the speed, and they are saying that it was only a 56 minute labour. OMG!!! wouldnt like to take too much time getting to the hospital if there is ever a next time :).
She is adorable, and we were expecting a boy too, which made it a nice suprise. We didnt know what we were having, but had tried the ol' ring on the cotton trick and both times it told us it was a boy!! So we were pretty convinced, i had washed all of the boys clothes, blankets and even took boys clothes to the hospital. Daniel raced to the shops to get a pink outfit to bring her home in ;).
Seth and Lexi love her, all they want to do is cuddle her. They have done a great job of helping out, they like to help bath her and they are always by my side when she wakes up and i go to get her.